What Guidelines Need To Be Followed To Wholesale CBD Products To Ireland

If you’re thinking about starting to wholesale CBD products Ireland then there are a few requirements that you need to take into consideration. Just like any new country you are looking to start selling or producing products in, there are always rules that apply. The market for these products in Ireland is beginning to really pick up, and beginning to explore wholesale CBD products Ireland couldn’t be at a more perfect time.

What’s the legal status?

Generally, CBD products Ireland are looked at as novel foods, this can be a CBD supplement or oil, or just produced into general food. Whenever introducing a new novel food (CBD product) into the Irish market, it needs to be authorized to check that it is safe and legal. This can be done by contacting the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) to check the status of the product you intend to sell. But once your product is authorized, you can begin thinking about your launch of wholesale CBD products Ireland. All products must have under 0.2% THC to be sold.

If you want to know the status of any novel food at this time, you can do this by visiting the Novel Food Catalogue on the European Commission website (https://food.ec.europa.eu/safety/novel-food/novel-food-catalogue_en) Since Ireland is part of the EU, they follow very similar guidelines to other European states’ countries.

A few rules to follow when starting to wholesale CBD products Ireland:

  • You cannot advertise or make any claims online or verbally that imply that your CBD product has a medicinal effect. Claims such as ‘anxiety relief’, ‘anti-inflammatory’, unless it has been recognized by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA)
  • Make sure your product has less than 0.001mg/kg body weight (1µg/kg body weight) of THC.
  • You need to apply for novel food authorization and keep up to date with any changes that may occur to the legal structure.
  • If you are producing your own CBD oil and extracting your oil or distillate with CO2 extraction or any other solvent extraction method, you need a novel food permit from the European Commission.


You see now in Ireland many CBD shops and companies popping up all over the place, and this is because the wholesale of CBD products to Ireland really isn’t that difficult of a process, if you are a vendor who already sells to the European market, then it should be no problem at all for you to begin the process of selling in Ireland. As CBD is technically a novel food, then you need to make sure to follow food regulations, and that you practice any food and hygiene safety laws that could be in place.

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